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Teacher Toolkit analytics are ready

For those schools that have signed up to the BRONZE, SILVER or GOLD Teacher Toolkit, we can now provide you with your summary analytics.

The reports provide analysis on the information that your pupils have recorded in Skills Route PLAN including:

  • The subjects your pupils are interested in
  • Whether the appropriate levels of study are being chosen
  • The life aspirations of your pupils.

BRONZE analytics

You will receive a graphical analysis of your students' use of Skills Route PLAN is provided at class, year group or school level. 

SILVER analytics

In addition to the BRONZE summary analytics,  you will receive a breakdown of your individual students' responses on Skills Route PLAN.

GOLD analytics

In addition to the  BRONZE and SILVER analytics you will receive a report highlighting individual students at the greatest risk of becoming NEET.

We hope you find the analytics useful. We would welcome any feedback on the report - please send it to

If you would like more information on the Teacher Toolkit, including seeing the full reports that would be available, please drop us a line on or 0208 099 4240.